panoramic landscape picture (13kB)  How you can reach us
geographical map Romanian-Hungarian borders at: Maco, Nadlac, Curtici, Chisinau-Cris 

Romanian-Yugoslavian borders at: Stamora-Moravica, Kikinda, Vrsec, Naidas, Portile de Fier

scematical map from Timisoara (by car) through: Jebel, Deta, Gataia, Berzovia, Resita, Cuptoare, Valiug, Garana/Wolfsberg[ca. 140km] 

from Caransebes (by car) through: Slatina-Timis, Brebu-Nou, Garana/Wolfsberg 
[ca. 60km]

Altitude of the subcarpatical mountains region: 1000m; Garana/Wolfsberg is a settlement which was founded in 1828 by Bohemian people as a result of the colonisation affected by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After 1989 many citizens have dramatically left their village in order to move back to their original country (Germany), a big lost for themselves and the whole region. Today artists comming from Romania and from all over Europe are trying to bring the life and the beauty of the village back again. The scope of the International Sculpture Symposium S.I.S. is to set a sign against the oblivion and to built a cultural bridge between Romania and Europe.